We at SY. Travel Israel Office Ltd. believe in Jewish unity no matter which denomination you belong to. We specialize in synagogue/congretation tours for a variety of Jewish denominations. Our tailor-made itineraries give the participants an opportunity to explore Israel from the inside and be part of it.
Joining your Rabbi and your congregation on an Israel tour connects you and your family to your Jewish roots and bonds you to Israel and its future.
A synagogue tour to Israel is the heritage you bequeath to the younger generation, it is your "Dor Le Dor" mission.
Each synagogue tour will be exclusively designed based on the requests of the Rabbi, educational director, or group leader.
Synagogue Tours - Itinerary Highlights
- Palmach Museum
- Hall of Independence
- Atlit Detention Camp
- Galilee, Golan and Safed
- Jeep tour of the Negev
- Nature reserve hikes
- Archeological dig
- Tree planting
- Voluntary projects
- Masada
- Kotel Tunnels
- Yad Vashem
- Herzl Museum
- Lectures and meetings with prominent Israeli scholars
Places of Interest and Activities for Various Denominations:
Reform Groups:
- Reform Movement Centers, Moshavs and facilities
- Beit Daniel in Tel Aviv
- Leo Beck School and Community Center in Haifa
- Home hospitality at Israeli reform family homes
- Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem - the primary educational center for the Reform Movement in Israel.
- Kibbutz Yahel - the first reform kibbutz in Israel.
- Meetings and discussions with Israel's Reform community leaders.
- Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies
Conservative Groups:
- Jerusalem, French Hill Community
- Meetings with conservative
- religious leaders
- Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies
Orthodox Groups:
- Short and long term study seminars at Kibbutz Lavi
- Special visits to Orthodox settlements
- Meetings with Israel's Orthodox religious
- and political leaders
- Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies